“Israelis for Blue and White Agriculture” is a volunteer-based, country-wide initiative established two weeks after the outbreak of the 'Swords of Iron' war in Israel in October 2023. It provides an operative platform connecting Israeli farmers affected by the war with private, institution-based and community-based consumers that wish to support Israeli agriculture and ensure it’s future.
While many of the farmers we work with are from Israel’s southern and northern borders near Gaza and Lebanon, we also assist farmers throughout the country, many of whom have been severely affected due to a loss of manpower and business.
Our goal is to preserve these farmers' livelihoods and save their produce from going to waste, by bringing “blue and white” fruits and vegetables at reasonable prices to all residents of the country who struggle with the high cost of living.
This initiative promotes solidarity, citizen activism, a new vision for “Zionism 2023” – and even sustainability!